Feeling mentally drained after a conversation or having lower energy than usual can be a sign of hearing loss. Learn how the two are connected and how CQ Partners and the PAF can help cover the cost of treatment.
Feeling tired after a physically or mentally straining day is normal. But if you are feeling more tired than usual after a typical day of interacting with family, friends and colleagues, it could be a sign of hearing loss.
Hearing loss is incredibly common, affecting over 48 million Americans to some degree. It’s not just something that happens to the elderly—it can happen at any age and any stage in life. You may think you would know right away if you have hearing loss, but it typically occurs gradually over the course of a few years. In fact, it is often family members and friends who catch the early signs. They tend to notice the TV volume getting too loud and the frequent interjections of “Huh?” and “What?” before the person with hearing loss.
Why does hearing loss make us feel fatigued?
When you can hear clearly, you don’t have to actively think about hearing that much. It just comes naturally, allowing you to focus your attention on other details of everyday life. When you can’t hear well due to hearing loss, your brain has to work overtime compared to those with normal hearing.
An example that everyone can relate to right now is how it feels to have a conversation over video call. Missed connections, distracting noises, and poor sound quality make conversations more difficult and can leave us feeling exhausted and even frustrated afterwards. Know the feeling?
Having a conversation with hearing loss is similar. You have to exert more focus and ask more clarifying questions. You may be mistaking words or feel like everyone is mumbling. Meanwhile, your brain is trying to process and interpret these sounds, as well as distinguish between important sounds and background noise. Some people with hearing loss even begin to rely on lip reading without noticing. With all this extra work, it’s no wonder those with hearing loss may feel tired or mentally drained after social interactions.
How can you combat fatigue due to hearing loss?
The good news is that hearing aids can help the majority of hearing loss cases. Even if you have a minor hearing loss, hearing aids can help you regain important sounds and take the fatigue out of everyday conversations.
While some are resistant to trying hearing aids because they think it will make them look older, they actually have the opposite effect! Having more energy and being able to keep up with the conversation is something that can only make you look and feel younger. Treating hearing loss not only helps you have better conversations. It will leave you with more energy for other activities like taking your children out to dinner or going on a bike ride after work.
Are you ready to get your energy back and start hearing better? As the preferred provider network of hearing health education and solutions for the NFL Player’s Associations’ Professional Athletes Foundation (PAF), CQ Partners connects patients in need of hearing care with expert providers who can help them. The two organizations have partnered since 2011 to bring better hearing to former professional athletes across the nation. Call 866-304-1588 or visit our page to start hearing better today.